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V2Soft is a global leader in Information Technology Services and Business Solutions with world headquarters in Michigan, USA. Established in March 1998, V2Soft provides cost effective, high performance technology solutions to clients worldwide in various domains. V2Soft believes in partnering with their customers to solve their business problems using technology. V2Soft offers a wide range of technology and consulting services including IT Services, Cloud Computing, Engineering Solutions, Mobility Solutions, Big Data Analytics, Testing Solutions, Hosting Solutions, Outsourcing and Staffing Solutions to many Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Website - https://www.v2soft.com/.

V2Soft - Global Leader in IT

Why businesses are making the Switch to Agile Software Development Methodology?

Businesses are switching to an Agile Software Development Methodology for three major reasons:

  1. 1. To make a programming framework that is more versatile and to building what consumers want has always been a top concern for us, and agile helps to achieve that goal.
  2. 2. Businesses can create software that is more consistent with our clients' needs—now and in the future—as we gather feedback from them at every stage of the process.
  3. 3. Align internal teams for easier, more meaningful collaboration. From product to support to marketing, the agile structure facilitates cross-communication. Clients frequently receive better assistance, more helpful documentation, and a better knowledge of the value proposition of a product as a result.
Source: http://www.v2soft.com/blogs/10-key-characteristics-agile-software-development-methodology